Wednesday, April 27, 2011

i literally cannot think of a title.

This week we've been working on iPad apps and website wireframes for Plaid Dad. I've also been working on my mini-portfolio and am supposed to be working on my portfolio website. However, I have had zero time to even think about a personal website because we present our prototype and all of it's parts in Iowa next Friday. I'm very excited and will be happy to see the project and presentation complete. That's all I have to say about that.

Critique: Plaid Dad website
The next part of our prototype is creating the website and iPad app for our magazine. Here are two wireframes for the homepage and the recipes page of the site. We're still ironing out some of the details such as ads and the logo, but all-in-all it's looking pretty good. We definitely stuck with the color palette for our magazine (maybe to a fault). It's definitely different working to create web content rather than print content. It's an interesting challenge, and I definitely have a lot to learn in terms of web design. 

Response: Mag+ and working with the iPad
In order to create our iPad apps, we are working with a program called Mag+. Basically we are creating the app layouts in InDesign and then transferring it to the iPad. It's not very complicated but there are definitely a few glitches in the design and program functions. Our plan isn't to just transfer our print spreads to the iPad. Instead, we're trying to create some different content and then use some of the same, but there has to be a lot of redesign because the space is very constricting. 
I do like Mag+ for the most part. It makes app creation extremely easy and fun, but at times it seems like the easy way out. There are some issues with changing orientation. Instead of creating two different layouts, they stay the same and have to be adaptable to that. It definitely adds some difficulty to making the apps look good.
It's an interesting challenge, and I'm excited to see what we come up with. 

Check it out: Some minimalist web designs
Well I'm attempting to create my portfolio website and struggling. I'm not as skilled in Dreamweaver as i'd like to be yet, but I'm working on it! This week on YOUTHEDESIGNER I found some cool minimalist web pages, and it has encouraged me. So far I've seen some really amazing portfolio sites--most of which I can never imagine being able to create. But these were simple but also very accessible and aesthetically pleasing. 

Above are two of my favorite. They seem much more within my abilities to create. To see the rest of the featured pages, check them out here.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

no creative titles left.

Well last night was a crisis. At 8 p.m. just when we thought we'd be putting very few finishing touches onto our master document of our prototype, the file corrupted. Not the type of corrupt that can be recovered from either. DONE. Never to be opened again. After a few minutes (around 34) of panicking, we opted to create an entirely new master document--all 44 of them. We also had to update to all of the new design changes as the most recent ones had been saved on the master. Partly our fault....mostly InDesigns. Thanks, Adobe. But we recovered and Friday can't come sooner. We will FINALLY be finished with this huge project--minus the part where we drive to Iowa at 4:30 in the morning to present them. It'll be worth it....that's what I keep telling myself. 

Critique: Plaid Dad--REVISED
I am so happy with the way that our prototype has turned out. We had a few roadblocks along the way, but we've almost made it. So here are a few of my revised features and departments. 

One of the difficulties we faced was designing in a way that would appeal to our target audience--dads. But I think for the most part we pulled it off. 

Response: Blog re-design
We did critiques of our blogs in lab yesterday and out of that came my re-design. I hadn't even thought about it before, but there were definite legibility issues with my posts. So, I recreated my blog to fit my design style and designed the banner head in InDesign. I chose more muted colors but I gave my blog some life. I went from black to a much more fun palette. 

Check it Out: "If logos were honest" and beautiful photography from YOUTHEDESIGNER
I stumbled upon this hilarious blog post on My Modern Met today. These are not your normal logos, but rather spoofs of what some famous logos should actually say. I laughed out loud looking at these. Here are a few of my favorites below. 

Check out the rest of the logos here.

The other cool thing I found this week is from YOUTHEDESIGNER. They feature some really beautiful flower photography. Often I find nature pictures to be cheesy, but the color and angles of these make them original and inspiring.

To see even more, check out the full post here.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the light at the end of the tunnel.

Slowly but surely, the semester is coming to a close. This isn't necessarily something I'm pleased about, but it does mean that our prototype will finally be published. I am beyond excited to see it go to print. Our team has put in countless hours in the design lab, and we will finally be rewarded for it. I don't want to speak too soon, but I'm excited for the finished product. Tomorrow we have a review with our publishers and some of the professors. Hope it goes well. 

Critique: 30 under 30
Last week we had a cover and feature competition for Vox's '30 under 30' story. It features Columbians of all ages who are basically achieving really cool things. I was at a loss on how to address such a HUGE feature, but here's what I came up with. 

It's definitely not my favorite work of the semester, but I wanted to try something different. I'm trying to mix it up a little in terms of typography, color, etc. I have a few very favorite fonts that I'm always inclined to use because I feel that they can work for lots of different topics. HOWEVER, this graffiti font was not one of the. I wanted  to give the feature a younger feel. It could definitely turn out repetitive if it were designed with 30 vignettes that all looked the same. 
The cover was difficult. There were photos of every person featured, but I definitely couldn't figure out a way to include all 30 without the cover looking like a complete mess. Since the photos were all taken on a white backdrop and all of the subjects were dressed appropriately for their topic, I thought it would be funny to do sort of a mix and match of the subjects. It can definitely use some refining, but that's my initial attempt. 

Response: Mini-portfolios
This week we started discussing creating our mini-portfolios. The discussion freaked me out mainly because that means my college career is in fact coming to an abrupt end. AHHH, real world. I'm excited and nervous, but it has flown by. I am really amped to create my mini-portfolio. We looked at tons in class, and when done well, they can be really beautiful and successfully executed. Now all I have to do is find the time to make mine into a masterpiece. 

Check it out: Really awesome web design portfolios
In starting to think about my mini-portfolio and also my portfolio website, I was researching for some inspiration. One site I found that featured 40 really impressive web portfolios is wellmedicated. I was SO impressed by the 40 they featured, and I only hope that mine can be 1/4 as good when it is completed. Obviously I have a long way to go, but it's always good to be ambitious. Check them out here.

As always, I checked out YOUTHEDESIGNER and found more awesome creative posts. A favorite was of 70+ business cards. I guess I have to think about creating one of those eventually, too. Being a grownup is definitely going to be different. Here is one of my favorites. I think it's so creative, maybe because it's designer humor. 

(Orginially from creattica. )

Click here to see the rest of the very clever and well-designed business cards. That's all for now. Enjoy the week!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

crunch time at its finest.

Yes, spring break is most definitely over. And leave it to the j-school to inform us of that fact as quickly and alarmingly as possible. With no time to spare before graduation on May 13/14 (?), these next six weeks will be a test of my time-management skills as well as my ability to maintain sanity. 

Critique: 'Strange Addictions' cover
This week I finalized my cover for the addictions story in Vox which will be running tomorrow. The cover had some changes from the very first draft including adding a television illustration behind the headline and changing the handwriting font. There were some minor bumps in the road, including finding a suitable and high enough resolution photo of a television anywhere on the internet that didn't cost $50. Other than that, I am very pleased with the final product and really excited for it to go to print tomorrow. 

Above is the second draft, and I will post the final product once it is published. 

Yay! Below is the official final draft of my cover.

Response: Spring Break photo assignments
We were assigned two projects over spring break. The first was to create a photo journal of sorts and take one picture a day. Because my break was at home and full of job applications, projects and sleeping, I found inspiration from my family and places around my house. Below are my three favorite photos I took. 
They're obviously not the highest quality photos or the most interesting, but they're all meaningful to me. At first, I was skeptical about the assignment and a little bit forgetful, but now having the pictures from the week makes me appreciate the project. Ideally, I would take a picture everyday to document life, but I'm not even going to attempt it at this point in my life/schedule. 

The second project was to create our names or another word out of found and combined typography off of other signs, posters, etc. I found the letters of my name in signs around my hometown or in my house. It definitely does not mesh as well as I hoped, but it has character and makes me laugh. 

Check it Out: YOUTHEDESIGNER logos and CSS/HTML help

Ever since our capstone class began, I have been so inspired by logos. YOUTHEDESIGNER has helped in the inspiration department without a doubt. This is one blog that is really on top of things. They find the coolest illustrations, photoshop techniques and other tips. This week, they featured some really awesome animal logos that I fell in love with. Here is one of my favorites. I think it's beautiful and clever and so clean. 
(original via logopond)

They feature a huge collection from lots of really amazing other sites. So I would absolutely recommend that you CHECK THEM OUT.

The second thing I found this week was a very helpful website in my quest to teach myself CSS and XHTML. I'm really starting to like learning about it even though I've always thought of myself as strictly a print designer. I'm not saying that I'm looking to go into web design, but at least I'll be prepared. So HTML Dog is simple and straight to the point, and if you're looking for help in the web design department, it's a good place to start. (Thanks, @ashleycummins) It has tutorials for all levels of experience, too!

Back to the lab for more design work! Until next time, enjoy!